building a culture of consent: a TEDxTalk screening & Q&A

This workshop will start with a screening of my 17-minute TEDxTalk, Is the Porn Brain Our New Sex Educator? followed by a short lecture about what it means to build a culture of consent on campus.
After hosting a Q&A/discussion about both, the workshop will end with some small group worksheet & brainstorming time so students can walk away feeling motivated to apply the workshop’s content to their personal lives and communities with immediate, actionable items.
Come engage in creating real change based on the thoughts, feelings, and reactions of your community member for more impactful and lasting change!
Hi Yana, The class LOVED your video response. One student was so impressed that you were “talking to us!”. They also commented on how thoughtful you are with your vocabulary, how approachable you are in your style and energy, and how knowledgeable you are. I really appreciate the time you took for our classes, it really made your TedX talk even more special for us. Your comments still come up during our class time, so feel good at knowing you’ve made a big impression on some future therapists of the world!