consent & cookies!
a pre-recorded webinar
A pre-recorded professional training webinar for sex educators, teachers, and facilitators.
- Fill out a short form to request your training purchase & I will send you an invoice.
- Send me your payment via PayPal (sliding scale fees are detailed below)
- I will send you a welcome email, the password-protected webinar recording, the seven components of digital teaching materials via GoogleDocs & your training certificate.
- Go teach consent education in your community! Change the world!
Sex educator Angelique Luna translated all seven of the Consent & Cookies teaching materials including lesson plan, activity instructions, handouts, and slide show for this Consent & Cookies webinar into Spanish! A Spanish-language instructional webinar is pending.
Purchase the English-language version of the webinar + training materials and get all Spanish-language materials for an extra $50. Simply indicate that you would like the Spanish-language materials included in your purchase on this GoogleForm.
Sliding scales always generously considered for Spanish-language materials for this course so please do inquire.
What is the Consent & Cookies Workshop About?
Consent & Cookies: a confidence-building workshop for teens (and adaptable for college students) is an original workshop I developed in 2014 to help youth learn, practice, and pass on active consent skills in their personal lives, communities, and intimate relationships.
Consent & Cookies has since become my most popular and most requested workshop which I’ve adapted to teach to both high school youth and college students. This workshop builds the essential relational skills of asking for, giving, or denying enthusiastic consent in our romantic, intimate, sexual, and interpersonal interactions. Its message is a cornerstone to my work as an independent sex educator.
This fun & interactive workshop includes my popular Consent Cookie-building activity that brings to life consensual communication, tools and techniques in a way accessible to young people. Including a pre-snack talk about the central components of consent and a post-snack discussion about how to give, ask for, receive, and negotiate consent, this workshop seeks to help youth build confidence in their ability to apply consent to their everyday relational interactions.
The goal of this workshop is to meet youth where they’re at in their lives and relationships in an approachable & appropriate & fun setting to help them break down the linguistic, mental & emotional barriers standing in the way of creating a culture of consensual communication at their schools, in their peer groups and for their future sexual explorations.
What Is the Pre-Recorded Webinar About?
The webinar recording was made during a live webinar in February 2017. The webinar focuses on how to teach Consent & Cookies to high school-aged youth (and goes over how to easily adapt it for college students) and was taught with the assumption that participants have some base-level of sex- and/or consent-educational knowledge either as teachers, sex educators, or facilitators. This is not a required skill-set to have to take the course but it may come in handy as this training is not designed to teach the fundamentals of educating about sex and consent, but rather provides some great tools with which to do that!
Participants who purchase this webinar recording will get the full 2-hour recording of the live webinar including a detailed walk-through of all the teaching materials (listed below) and the live Q&A with participants from the original webinar. People who purchase this webinar recording will also receive a full kit of digital teaching materials (detailed below), so that they are ready to present this modern, relevant, and customizable workshop as their own for profit or personal use. Participants will also receive a Consent & Cookies Training Certificate and will be listed on my website as educators trained in this workshop so that my clientele can find you in your hometown for hire!
what teaching materials do you get with this training?
1. Seven components of Consent & Cookies teaching materials
(see full list with descriptions below) that’ll equip you to independently prep and teach the full 1-1.5 hour Consent & Cookies Workshop including:
- A 9-page step-by-step Consent & Cookies lesson plan (GoogleDoc)
- A 19-slide, customizable Consent & Cookies slideshow (GoogleSlides)
- 4-page Consent & Cookie Activity Instructions for Educators (GoogleDoc)
Stocking up for “Consent Cookie”-building ingredients for a weekend of youth consent workshops
- Consent & Cookies instructional handout for your workshop participants (GoogleDoc)
- A priced-out, itemized shopping list for the workshop and cookie-building activity (GoogleDoc)
- A printable, youth-friendly feedback form to handout to your participants after your workshop (GoogleDrawing)
2. Over 60 hours of time
that I’ve spent developing, editing, troubleshooting, improving, planning and teaching this workshop (my most popular ever!) all digested into training materials and a webinar for you to take with you and teach wherever you please.
3. Money!! (Maybe)…
A relevant, modern, and marketable workshop package to high schools, youth groups, and colleges (my most popular ever!), this webinar can be used by individual freelance sex educators as an income-generating option. If you’d like to utilize this webinar to “train the trainers” to teach widely at your institution or campus, please see below for the Train the Trainers pricing options.
Disclaimer: I can teach you the workshop, but the marketing, self-promotion, and workshop-bookings are all up to you. {Psst…I do private Skype consults with folks looking to learn more about building their own freelance sex educator branding & business}.
4. A recording of the original 2-hour live webinar
during which I’ll walk you through all of the lesson plans, give you tips for facilitating this workshop, and demonstrate interactive parts of the workshop including the cookie-building activity and other points of participant interaction.

A participant at our #consent for #youth workshop today at Brickhouse shows off her awesome “consent cookie” made during our sugary activity that helps us bring to life consent strategies learned earlier in the workshop.
5. Email support
from me after the webinar is over if questions come up when you go to prep for or teach this workshop later on down the line.
6. A Consent & Cookies Training Certificate & Listing
to show you completed the training, to throw whatever weight my name carries behind your future endeavors, to make you feel fancy, and to impress your future workshop hiring hosts. You will also be listed on my website as educators trained in this workshop so that my clientele can find you in your hometown for hire!
what’s in your training packets?
Consent & Cookies Lesson Plan
- This is a 9-page step-by-step guide to the Consent & Cookies workshop (1-1.5 hours long in total) which includes a “lecture” portion about consent, the Consent & Cookies activity, and a post-cookie-building discussion and wrap-up session.
- The lesson plan includes verbage to use in the workshop, tips & suggestions for educators, suggested timing, slide cue numbers…pretty much every little step needed to teach this workshop all on your own.
Consent & Cookies Slideshow (Customizable in GoogleSlides)
- This is a customizable, 19-slide GoogleSlides presentation to use for the Consent & Cookies workshop.
- This slideshow features colorful slides, animated GIFs of cute animals used to explain the various components of consent practice, workshop guidelines for participants, definitions of consent, prompt questions, the needed ingredient list for the cookie-building activity, and a customizable resource & title page.
Consent & Cookie Activity Instructions for Educators
- This is a 4-page document that details the cookie-building activity specifically, especially helpful for folks who just want to use the cookie-building activity to enhance a workshop they already teach.
- These activity instructions are a step-by-step guide to setting up, framing, and walking your workshop participants through the cookie-building activity in the workshop. It also has discussion questions and prompts for easier facilitation.
Consent & Cookies Activity Instructional Handout (for Participants)
- This is a printable handout to give to your workshop participants detailing instructions for the cookie-building activity.
Supplies & Shopping List
- A priced-out list of supplies needed for the workshop and cookie-building activity for 40-50 students. Just print it and take it to the store with a quotable price for the institution funding your workshops!
Feedback Form
- This is a printable, youth-friendly feedback form to hand out to your workshop participants at the end of the workshop.
- Feedback forms are especially important to share with your workshop hosts who hired you in order to increase transparency and the likelihood that they would like to hire you again.
- Audience members are far more likely to fill out a paper feedback form directly following the workshop than they are to fill out a digital one after the workshop is over.
As an independent sex educator, I’ve made anywhere from zero to 4 figures teaching this workshop, depending on the institution hiring me, their budget, their need, and their audience. I prioritize my lowest fees and pro-bono work for teenaged youth groups, LGBTQ+ groups, and high schools who tend to have smaller budgets and a greater need for impactful sex & consent education now.
This training is offered on a sliding scale and has the capability of paying for itself after teaching one Consent & Cookies workshop for-hire — if you are an independent sex educator who chooses to use the training for-profit. Of course, I can’t guarantee that but I can teach you how to facilitate a great workshop that you can modify to suit your brand — update it, edit it, improve it, keep it the way it is, make it your own! The more consent education in this world, the better!
Some ideas to get this training funded include crowdsourcing the fees from your community members that want to support your consent & sex education work (think GoFundMe or IndieGoGo or even just plain ol PayPal) or inquiring about a professional development budget from the educational institution your work for.
Individual Sex Educators
This sliding scale option is reserved for individual, independent sex educators (separate from an institution or campus) who are looking to add this to their workshop offerings.
Non-Profits & Small Professional Entities
This sliding scale option is for folks employed by non-profits or small professional entities who want to teach this workshop in a professional capacity at a one-time event or workshop.
Train the Trainer & Campus-Wide Programming
This option is for college & university campuses who want to use this webinar as a training for staff, student leaders, or programming groups to train multiple students or staff members with the intention of having them host the workshop on multiple occasions, across campus.
Please contact me for sliding scale questions:

why learn from Yana?
Yana Tallon-Hicks, MA is a relationships therapist as well as a consent, sex & sexuality writer and educator living in Western Massachusetts. Her work centers around the belief that pleasure-positive & consent-based sex education can positively impact our lives and the world.
Yana’s workshops about sexual pleasure, communication & consent are taught at colleges, high schools, and sex toy shops all over New England. She currently practices individual & relationship therapy in her private practice in Brattleboro, VT where she works primarily with couples and the LGBTQQ+ community about issues related to sex, gender, & sexuality.
As a successful self-employed sex educator, she has written her own custom lesson plans for over two dozen workshops; created her own branding, marketing, social media presence, and website; managed her own fee schedule, workshop bookings, and professional networking; and has been invited to speak at over thirty schools in the last two years, including to present a TEDxTalk in Vienna, Austria.
Read more about Yana & her work here, where you can also read her sex advice column, follow her on Instagram & Twitter, and watch her TEDxTalk: Is the Porn Brain Our New Sex Educator?
testimonials for this webinar
Yana’s Consent&Cookies Workshop lesson plan is clear, concise and friendly. It has enough structure that you can hit the autopilot if you get too nervous AND plenty of room for additional discussions and questions to come up from participants. The blend of experiential brainstorms and discussions paired with good ol’ powerpoint slides with basic info made the content of the workshop clear while allowing room for those questions and curiosities to make themselves known. The audience can really feel like the workshop is just for them with Yana’s lesson plan and your own facilitation style. C&C doesn’t feel boring or pre-packaged in the slightest, which I find very impressive as technically it is, “pre-packaged." I am deeply thankful and impressed with this gem that Yana has put together. Thank you Yana!!
Yana's Consent & Cookies webinar not only taught me how to teach this awesome workshop, but gave me tips on beginning my career as a sex educator, as well as the confidence to do so. Thank you, Yana!
This webinar was (and will be) worth every penny. The Consent & Cookies workshop itself is an incredible resource that I believe will be very appealing and appropriate for our high-school-age students. I am working on setting up my first workshop for April, and am very excited to get going with taking this content to as many schools as I can reach.
In addition to the Consent & Cookies workshop itself, the webinar gave so many valuable insights into presentation, attitude, and how to deal with difficult points that may arise. Even the experience of being 'taught' by Yana demonstrated the kind of calm but approachable persona that seems most appropriate to project (while remaining myself - that point was not missed ) to ensure that students are confident in a presenter's abilities and knowledge.
All in all, I gained both knowledge and confidence from doing this webinar, and I'd definitely recommend it to others.
Consent & Cookies Educators live across the U.S. and even in Canada and South Africa!
Can’t bring me to you? Bring a trained Consent & Cookies Educator instead!
All of the people on this list have completed my Consent & Cookies webinar training for sex educators, teachers & facilitators. During this webinar, I taught these educators how to host my popular workshop Consent & Cookies for high school aged youth and/or college students including how to facilitate my lesson plan, utilize the workshop materials provided, and successfully teach Consent & Cookies in their own personal style to your group of students!