I’m Giving a TedxTalk! // Vienna, Austria // May 6th

//I’m Giving a TedxTalk! // Vienna, Austria // May 6th


I’m giving a TEDxTalk!


TEDxViennaSalon // The Future of Intimacy // May 6th


Is the Porn Brain Our New Sex Ed Teacher?

What is our Porn Brain? How has it become our new sex educator and how/what is it teaching us about consent, sexual pleasure, and our sexual selves?


In a world where sex is simultaneously commodified and shamed, sex education efforts are failing young people while the porn industry is booming. According to PornHub.com’s 2015 year-in-review, we’ve blown through 1,892 petabytes of bandwidth on the site this past year, equivalent to filling the storage on all of the iPhones sold in 2015 with porn, with 63.7% of these visits launched from smartphones or tablets.

Technological advances have made porn available to us in the palms of our hands & Google a more accessible sex educator than our teachers, parents & peers. But what kind of sex educator is porn? What sexual stories do our Porn Brains tell us (men, women & young people) and how do these stories both positively & negatively impact our real-life experiences of sexual pleasure, communication, connection & intimacy?


Follow me to Vienna, Austria for TEDxVienna on Instagram! May 3rd-8th.


By |2016-03-24T02:29:31+00:00March 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on I’m Giving a TedxTalk! // Vienna, Austria // May 6th