I’m in a relatively recent relationship, eight months, and my girlfriend is bisexual — not a problem — and polyamorous. I’ve known this from the beginning and I decided that I was okay with it. But I’m getting so heartbroken at the idea of her with someone else. Is there anything I can tell myself to help with that?
The deep emotional connection that she has with others isn’t a problem and it’s not like she sees 100 others. She just sees one guy, they don’t see each other often, they don’t make love together, and I’m her main relationship. But knowing that she speaks of him as her boyfriend and hearing her say she might love him, and especially their sharing of intimacy like kisses, hugs, maybe sleeping with him is driving me crazy.
She tells me that monogamy, for her, is possessive. For me, monogamy is the way to make someone special to you. How can I reconcile these two perceptions for the health of our relationship?
You are getting played and played hard.
I’m a believer in polyamory, open relationships, and non-monogamy as relationship styles people are free to choose that work for them and their partners….continued